ClickCease Boiler Services - Our helpful FAQ might have the answer to your boiler queries.
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There are few common issues that performing regular boiler services and maintenance can easily avoid. Your unhappy boiler will likely let know with a 'Banging' noise. Here are a few common issues that could be the cause:

  • KETTLING - This is usually caused by a disruption of water, causing the water to boil, steam and expand. Often the cause of kettling is a build up of limescale or debris within the system.

  • DELAYED IGNITION- Signified by a loud single bang it is when the gas that's sent into the combustion chamber isn't ignited immediately. When this happens, gas builds and builds inside the combustion chamber until BANG—the pilot light finally ignites all that gas, creating a mini-explosion.

  • VALVE FLAPPING- When the filling loop is left open, the pressure release valve at the back of the boiler constantly opens and closes itself hammering into the boiler casing.
  • Illustrated picture of man fixing a boiler


    “Do I need to replace my boiler?”

    Improving gas boiler standards

    We recognise the continuing role of gas heating systems into the 2020s. The Boiler Plus standards for domestic boilers, introduced in April 2018, will ensure all households have a reasonable level of choice and control over their heating to enable them to achieve comfort and efficiency without increased bills. Our homes are diverse, and savings will vary from household to household. Those with the highest heating bills currently will make the greatest savings.

    Clarification on the Boiler Plus regulations for installers and consumers (PDF, 72KB, 1 page)

    Heat in Buildings - GOV.UK (

    “Can I still get a new gas boiler?”


    In fact, replacing an old gas boiler with a modern energy efficient model is a great way to cut your heating costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Many UK homes are currently not suitable for heat pumps as they are poorly insulated and do not have large enough radiators.

    If your boiler is over 8 years old, expensive to run or breaking down regularly, we would definitely recommend it.

    However as part of the governments commitment to go carbon neutral by 2050 they are encouraging people to choose modern eco friendly options when installing new boilers. They are achieving this by offering grants to offset the typically higher prices of these modern boilers,check the link below to see if you qualify.

    . UKEF commits to going carbon neutral by 2050 ahead of COP26 - GOV.UK (

    Boiler Upgrade Scheme - GOV.UK (

    “Could a new boiler save money on my bills?”

    If your boiler is performing poorly, it might be time to consider investing in a new, more efficient model. There are many benefits to doing this, including having a warmer home, cheaper bills, and a smaller carbon footprint. And with new laws in place regarding boiler efficiency, the cost of a high-efficiency machine isn't much more than that of a standard one.

    Heating and hot water accounts for over half of what you spend in a year on energy bills, so an efficient boiler makes a big difference.

    All modern, well-maintained boilers burn their fuel efficiently, but they inevitably lose some heat in the hot gases that escape up the flue (a pipe used to extract fumes and supply fresh air to the boiler).

    Modern boilers are more efficient than older boilers for several reasons, but their main advantage is that they are 'condensing'. A condensing boiler recovers more heat from the exhaust flue gas and uses it to heat the central heating water, making it more efficient than older boilers.

    “What is a Gas Safety Certificate, and do I need one?”

    Building Regulations Compliance Certificate

    You should receive one of these if a Gas Safe registered engineer installs a heat producing gas appliance in your property. It's effectively a way of informing the Local Authority of the new appliance, and you should receive it in the post within 28 days of a new appliance being installed.

    Gas Safety Record

    The documentation an engineer leaves after having fitted, serviced or safety checked an appliance is dependent upon the purpose and type of work carried out. The only documentation required by law is a Landlord Gas Safety Record.

    All our heating engineers are Gas Safety Registered and fully qualified

    Gas Safety Certificates & Records - Gas Safe Register - Gas Safe Register

    “How do I top up my boiler pressure?”

    What is boiler pressure?

    The pressure shown on your boiler is determined by the volume of water in your heating system. It's essential to get this right to ensure your heating system runs correctly and that components are not put under undue strain resulting in premature failure.

    What pressure should my boiler/heating system be at?

    System and combination boilers usually have a pressure gauge built into the appliance itself to indicate the pressure within the heating system. As a general rule, heating systems should run at a pressure of around 1 bar (when cold). It's normal for this pressure to increase slightly when the system gets hot, but if the pressure in your heating system is over 2.5 bar, you may already have a fault, or a fault might be developing.

    When should I top up the pressure in my boiler/heating system?

    The pressure should be checked periodically, checking it a few times a year is usually sufficient but there is no harm in checking it more often. When the pressure in a heating system falls below 1 bar, it needs to be topped up. This is done using a filling loop.

    “Does getting a new boiler increase the value of my house?“

    Selling or Renting a Property

    If you get a new boiler fitted it can absolutely increase the value of your home. Even if you rent it out, it could still be a great selling point for potential tenants, as they would love the energy savings on their bills. An upgraded boiler also usually adds value to your home. See this study..

    Making energy saving improvements to your property could increase its value by 14 per cent on average - and up to 38 per cent in some parts of England - new research released today by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reveals.

    For an average home in the country, improving its EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) from band G to E, or from band D to B, could mean adding more than £16,000 to the sale price of the property. In the North East, improved energy efficiency from band G to E could increase this value by over £25,000 and the average home in the North West could see £23,000 added to its value.

    Energy saving measures boost house prices - GOV.UK (